21-23 Sep 2022 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)

Social Events & Gala

Social events on Thursday afternoon

Le Jardin des Plantes 

On Thursday afternoon (22nd of Sept), we propose a visit to the Jardin des Plantes de Paris, located in the center of Paris (5th arrondissement of Paris). This park hosts a botanical garden, several research institutes, greenhouses and scientific exhibition buildings (the Great Gallery of Evolution, the Mineralogy Gallery and the Paleontology Gallery), and a menagerie. 

Participants will have the opportunity to visit the Evolution Gallery, the Great Greenhouse or the NationalHerbarium. Each participant may choose two of the three options.  Note that the number of participants is limited for some options, the organization will do its best to satisfy the participants' choices. 

In addition, participants will have the possibility to enjoy the botanical gardens that are open to all. 


https://leparisien.fr/resizer/xzxSL08OEUz9rxzCmaGYdOf7Vvg=/1200x675/cloudfront-eu-central-1.images.arcpublishing.com/leparisien/OV7Y5R4Z4AEZVWJ3REI2H3SYXI.jpgThe Great Gallery of Evolution 

The building housing the Gallery of Evolution is a huge hall surrounded by three balconies, lit by a 1,000 m² glass roof that was created by Jules André in 1889. The Gallery of Evolution first opened in 1994, it exhibits zoology collections with a focus on biodiversity and the evolution of species. It is a place “where modernity meets history and science to tell the story of the great adventure of biodiversity”. 


The large greenhouses of the “Jardin des PlantesLa pépite culturelle : Les Grandes Serres du Jardin des Plantes | Vivre  Paris

The large greenhouses of the “Jardin des Plantes” are composed of five greenhouses built between 1836 and 2010. They are used to preserve and acclimatize plants brought back from naturalists' travels, but also to  introduce the public to exotic species from tropical rainforests, deserts... A greenhouse also traces the stages of flora development since the appearance of embryophytes 430 million years ago and allows visitors to compare fossil plants with present-day species of the  same order. 


The National Herbarium of the Museum 

The National Herbarium collection gathers about 8 million specimens of plants, lichens, algae and fungi collected from all over the world. It is the result of more than 350 years of botanical activity, since the creation of the Royal Garden of Medicinal Plants in 1635. The herbarium is in principle not open to visitors. Visits will be organized for small groups of participants and will be guided by scientists from the Museum.   



Gala evening on Thursday night

Get on board a “Bateau Mouche” for the conference Gala evening! 

The journey will begin at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. During the tour, participants will have the opportunity to see most of the famous monuments of Paris from the river while having dinner. The boat will land at midnight, after which people will have the opportunity to stay on board for a late drink until 2am.  

Shuttle services will be provided to take the participants back to Gif-sur-Yvette with a stop in Massy (departures at midnight, 1am or 2am).





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