21-23 Sep 2022 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)


WARNING: The maximum number of on site participants has been reached. The registration is still open for online attendance only.

Note that as new registrations are now only possible for online attendance, all registered people appear on the website as if they were registered online. Sorry for the inconvenience. Options chosen for registrations made before September the 9th were of course saved but are not visible on the website.   

The leaflet with all practical information about the conference is available here!

The 18th meeting of the EUCARPIA Section Biometrics in Plant Breeding will take place on 21-23 September 2022 on the Paris-Saclay University Campus, France. This meeting is organised by the GQE-Le Moulon research unit (INRAE, Paris-Saclay University, CNRS and AgroParisTech).

More information and the program are available on the program page. Here is a glimpse into the main scientific topics of the meeting:

  • Gene-by-Environment interaction and Crop Growth Modeling
  • Multi-omics data integration
  • Deep Learning
  • Non-Additive Genetic Effects
  • Diversity Management
  • High Throughput Phenotyping

Leading scientists in all these areas have been invited to present inspiring lectures. We also welcome contributions from participants on these topics.

The meeting will provide great opportunities to discuss with leading experts and meet researchers and breeders from a variety of companies and research institutes. There is also the possibility for participants to attend the conference online.

The conference will be preceded by a Satellite Workshop on Phenomic Selection, that will also be held at ENS Paris-Saclay. Registration is free but mandatory. Check here for detailed information.

We look forward to seeing you in France in September 2022!

Follow us on Twitter @EucarpiaBiom22 for up-to-the-minute information on the conference and regular updates.


Key dates

Call for Abstracts Opens: April 4, 2022   

Registration Opens: April 15, 2022 

Submission Deadline: June 15, 2022. Abstract submission for oral or poster presentations is closed. 

Acceptance Notifications: July 7, 2022  

Early Bird Registration Deadline:  July 22, 2022, Postponed to July 29

Registration Deadline: Sept 19, 2022. Please note that the maximum number of on site participants has been reached. Registration is now limited to online attendance. 

Conference: Sep 21-23, 2022


Gold sponsors

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Institutional sponsors


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